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Storage and Handling of Dangerous Goods Standards

These are the Storage and Handling of Dangerous Goods Standards

The Storage and Handling of Dangerous Goods set includes key standards covering flammable and combustible liquids, corrosive substances, LP Gas, gases in cylinders, oxidizing agents, Class 4 and Class 9 dangerous goods, toxic substances, mixed classes of dangerous goods in packages or IBCs, and anhydrous ammonia and combustible dust.

It includes AS/NZS IEC 60079.10.1:2022 Explosive atmospheres, Part 10.1: Classification of areas - Explosive gas atmospheres, and Supplement 1:2022, on the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of equipment for use in explosive gas hazardous areas.

It is for Dangerous Goods Consultants, Chemical Engineers, Work Health and Safety experts, and others responsible for storing and handling of dangerous goods.

Available in the Storage and Handling of Dangerous Goods Set.

Name Publisher
AS 4326-2008 The storage and handling of oxidizing agents
Standards Australia
Provides requirements and recommendations for the storage and handling of oxidizing agents of dangerous goods of Division 5.1. Sets out requirements for storage, handling, operational safety, emergency planning and fire protection for all Division 5.1 dangerous goods and provides specific storage requirements for hydrogen peroxide and ammonium nitrate.
AS 1940:2017 The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids
Standards Australia
Provides requirements for the planning, design, construction, and safe operation of all installations in which flammable or combustible liquids are stored or handled. In separate sections it deals with minor storage, package storage and handling, storage in tanks, fuel dispensing, piping and tank auxiliaries, operations and fire protection facilities. Appendices deal with tank venting, combustion characteristics, fire exposure protection, gas-freeing precautions and principles, and power station and grid transformers.
AS/NZS 2022:2003 Anhydrous ammonia - Storage and handling
Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
Specifies requirements for the design, construction, location, and operation and testing of systems for the storage and handling of anhydrous ammonia. Requirements for the management of emergencies involving anhydrous ammonia and for the fire protection associated facilities are also specified.
AS/NZS 5026:2012 The storage and handling of Class 4 dangerous goods
Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
Sets out requirements and recommendations for the safe storage and handling of Class 4 dangerous goods as classified in the ADG Code, for Australia, and the HNSO Act, for New Zealand.
AS 3833:2024 The storage and handling of mixed classes of dangerous goods, in packages and intermediate bulk containers
Standards Australia
Provides minimum acceptable safety requirements for installations where more than one class of dangerous goods is stored and handled, whether in packages or intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) of up to 1.6 m3 capacity.
AS/NZS 1596:2014 The storage and handling of LP Gas
Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
​Sets out requirements and recommendations for the safe storage and handling of LP Gas, in cylinders and bulk tanks.
AS 3780:2023 The storage and handling of corrosive substances
Standards Australia
AS 3780:2023 sets out requirements and recommendations for the safe storage and handling of corrosive substances, i.e. substances that meet the Class 8 classification criteria of the ADG Code
AS/NZS IEC 60079.10.1:2022 Sup 1:2022 Explosive atmospheres, Part 10.1: Classification of areas - Explosive gas atmospheres - Commentary (Supplement 1 to AS/NZS IEC 60079.10.1:2022)
Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
AS/NZS IEC 60079.10.1:2022 Sup 1:2022 provides commentary and additional information to support the application of AS/NZS IEC 60079.10.1:2022.
AS/NZS IEC 60079.10.1:2022 Explosive atmospheres, Part 10.1: Classification of areas - Explosive gas atmospheres
Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
AS/NZS IEC 60079.10.1:2022 adopts IEC 60079 10 1:2020, which specify requirements for the classification of areas where flammable gas or vapour hazards may arise and may then be used as a basis to support the proper design, construction, operation and maintenance of equipment for use in hazardous areas.
AS/NZS 4745:2012 Code of practice for handling combustible dusts
Pending Revision
Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
Sets out good design and management principles and practices for the construction, operation and maintenance of manufacturing and processing plants and associated transportation and storage systems.
AS 4332-2004 The storage and handling of gases in cylinders
Standards Australia
Sets out requirements and recommendations for the storage and handling of gases in cylinders, as classified as Class 2 dangerous goods in the ADG Code. It applies to stores where individual gases (other than those which are covered by specific Australian Standards) are kept, and to stores where more than one type of gas is kept. Requirements for the location, construction and ventilation of stores are given. Recommendations for the management of emergencies and actions in the event of fire are provided in appendices.
AS/NZS 4452:1997 The storage and handling of toxic substances
Pending Revision
Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
Sets out requirements and recommendations for the storage and handling of toxic substances that in Australia, meet the Class 6.1 classification criteria of the ADG Code and in New Zealand, the Class 6.1 classification criteria of the IMDG Code and Schedules 1-4 of the New Zealand Toxic Substances Regulations 1983. The Standard applies to Class 6.1 substances and may also apply to substances of other classes having a 6.1 Subsidiary Risk. A discussion of the hazards presented by toxic substances and a bibliography of documents providing guidelines on the preparation of emergency plans are provided in appendices.
AS/NZS 4681:2000 The storage and handling of Class 9 (miscellaneous) dangerous goods and articles
Pending Revision
Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
Sets out requirements and recommendations for the safe storage and handling of Class 9 (miscellaneous) dangerous goods and articles, in packages, IBCs and bulk. Advice is given on fire protection, waste disposal, operations and personnel safety. Guidelines for emergency procedures are also provided.