A guide to the building approvals process in Western Australia
Western Australia Government
The Building Commission has prepared this overview of the building approvals process to assist those in the building industry, home-owners, permit authority clients and staff, owner-builders and building industry students. The information is relevant whether you are building a house, an office tower, a swimming pool safety barrier or planning renovations that require building approval. This guide includes sections on:
•the state’s building legislation;
•the various types of permits and application processes;
•exemptions from requiring a permit that may apply;
•building standards and certifying compliance;
•retrospective approval of unauthorised work;
•what to do if work will affect other land; and
•the roles and responsibilities of those involved.
Section 1: Coverage, Exemptions And Responsibilities
Section 2: Certificates Of Compliance
Section 3: Building Standards
Section 4: Typical Approval Sequences
Section 5: Permits And Processes
Section 6: Notices Of Completion And Cessation
Section 7: Providing Information To The FES Commissioner
Section 8: Change Of Classification Or Use Of A Building
Section 9: Unauthorised Building Work
Section 10: Processing Applications
Section 11: Work Affecting Other Land
Section 12: Keep Up To Date