Applying the MBS 010: Construction requirements for the control of external sound
South Australian Government
MBS 010 (the Standard) is published under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016, and can be accessed on the PlanSA website at MBS 010.
The Standard contains provisions for reducing the intrusion of unacceptable levels of noise into habitable rooms of residential buildings.
The provisions of the Standard apply to a Class 1, 2 or 3 building, a Class 4 part of a building and Class 9c residential care buildings which include:
• residential dwellings
• aged care buildings
• boarding houses, hostels and short-term holiday accommodation
• apartment buildings.
The requirements of the Standard are additional to those required by the Building Code and do not override any of the Building Code provisions, noting that the MBS 010 covers façade treatments only.
Part 1: Background
Part 2: Application For Road, Rail And Mixed Land Use
Part 3: Application For Aircraft Noise
Part 4: Noise Attenuation Scenarios
Part 5: Frequently Asked Questions
Part 6: Further Information