AS 1668.4:2024 The use of ventilation and airconditioning in buildings, Part 4: Natural ventilation of buildings
Standards Australia
This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee ME-062, Ventilation and Airconditioning, to supersede AS 1668.4:2012 The use of ventilation and airconditioning in buildings, Part 4: Natural ventilation of buildings.
This document covers:
(a) natural ventilation of occupied enclosures; and
(b) natural ventilation within car parks and vehicle facilities.
In accordance with the philosophy of adopting a complementary approach to building regulations, this document provides a deemed to satisfy solution, for the natural ventilation of parts of buildings where nominated by the National Construction Code (NCC). The document also provides guidance that can assist with developing a performance solution for the design of natural ventilation systems for occupied enclosures and carparks, outside of the NCC deemed to satisfy requirements.
During the preparation of this document, consideration was given to many international and national Standards, design guides, technical papers, manuals and other publications.
This document is prescriptive, and calculations are presented as simple and detailed procedures.
The terms “normative” and “informative” are used in Standards to define the application of the appendices to which they apply. A “normative” appendix is an integral part of a Standard, whereas an “informative” appendix is only for information and guidance.
First published as AS 1668.2-1976. Fourth edition 2002. AS 1668.2-2002 revised (in part) and redesignated as AS 1668.4-2012. Fifth edition 2024.Contents:
Section 1: Scope And General
Section 2: Building Attributes And Ventilation Openings
Section 3: Ventilation Of Occupied Enclosures
Section 4: Ventilation Of Enclosures Used By Vehicle With Combustion Engines
Appendix A: (informative) Suitability Of Natural Ventilation
Appendix B: (informative) A Performance-Based Approach To Natural Ventilation Systems Design
Appendix C: (informative) Metabolic Rates
Ventilation and Airconditioning.
Air Conditioning&Mechanical Contractors Association; Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council; Australian Building Codes Board; Australian Industry Group; Australian Institute of Refrigeration Air Conditioning and Heating; Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers; Construction Information Systems Limited (NATSPEC); Consumer Electronics Suppliers Association; Engineers Australia; Facility Management Association of Australia; Fan Manufacturers Association of Australia and New Zealand; Fire Protection Association Australia; Property Council of Australia.