AS 3850.2:2024 Prefabricated concrete elements, Part 2: Building construction
Standards Australia
Supersedes: AS 3850.2:2015 Prefabricated concrete elements, Part 2: Building construction
Supersedes: AS 3850.2:2015 Amd 1:2018 Prefabricated concrete elements, Part 2: Building construction
Draft Designation: DR AS 3850.2:2023This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee BD-066, Prefabricated Concrete Elements, and supersedes AS 3850.2:2015.
The objective of this document is to provide requirements for safety in the planning, manufacturing, construction, design, casting, transportation, erection and incorporation of these factors into the final structure of prefabricated concrete elements in building construction.
This document complements AS 3850.1 and AS 3850.3.
A list of all parts in the AS 3850 series can be found in the Standards Australia online catalogue.
The terms “normative” and “informative” are used in Standards to define the application of the appendices or annexes to which they apply. A “normative” appendix or annex is an integral part of a Standard, whereas an “informative” appendix or annex is only for information and guidance.
First published as AS 3850.1-1990, AS 3850.2-1990 and AS 3850.3-1992. AS 3850.1-1990, AS 3850.2-1990 and AS 3850.3-1992 revised, amalgamated and redesignated as AS 3850-2003. AS 3850-2003 revised and redesignated (in part) as AS 3850.2:2015. Second edition 2024.Contents:
1: Scope And General
2: Design And Documentation
3: Casting
4: Transport, Cranage And Erection
5: Temporary Supports
6: Fixing And Grouting Of Structural Elements And Removal Of Temporary Supports
Appendix A: (normative) Information Required On Drawings
Appendix B: (informative) Roles In The Planning, Construction, Design, Casting, Transportation And Erection Of Prefabricated Concrete Elements
Appendix C: (informative) Lifting Design Process
Appendix D: (informative) Typical Rigging Configurations
Prefabricated Concrete Elements.
Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council; Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU); Australian Engineered Fasteners and Anchors Council; Australian Industry Group; Australian Institute of Building Surveyors; Australian Steel Institute; Austroads; Better Regulation Division (Fair Trading, SafeWork NSW, TestSafe); Cement Concrete&Aggregates Australia - Cement; Cement Concrete&Aggregates Australia - Concrete; Concrete Institute of Australia; Concrete Pipe Association of Australasia; Consult Australia; Curtin University; Department of Transport and Main Roads (QLD); Engineers Australia; Master Builders Australia; National Precast Concrete Association Australia; Steel Reinforcement Institute of Australia; The Crane Industry Council of Australia; The University of Sydney; Victorian WorkCover Authority (WorkSafe Victoria).