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AS/NZS 1260:2017 PVC-U pipes and fittings for drain, waste and vent applications

Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand

Version:  Fifth Edition 2017.  (Current)
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Supersedes: AS/NZS 1260:2009 PVC-U pipes and fittings for drain, waste and vent applications

Draft Designation: DR AS/NZS 1260:2016
Document Number

The objective of this Standard is to outline minimum requirements for the manufacture and performance of PVC-U pipes and fittings for non-pressure drain, waste and vent (DWV) applications for use by manufacturers, specifiers and purchasers of such products.

The test criteria specified apply to pipes and fittings at the time of manufacture and are not intended to be used to assess the results from tests on pipes or fittings that have been in service.

For pipes of nominal diameter up to and including 80 mm, the pipes are specified solely in terms of the materials used and dimensions. There is no pipe stiffness requirement regardless of pipe type, as the stiffness of pipes in this size range is considerably higher than the minimum values used for larger pipes. By continuing to specify in terms of dimensions, the Standard ensures that existing installation practices, for example, the spacing between supports on near horizontal runs, can continue to be used. Most pipes installed above ground are in this size range.

Pipes of nominal size of 100 mm and above are specified in terms of minimum stiffness. Sufficient dimensional information is provided to ensure compatible joints and resistance to abrasion.

Pipes are specified in terms of stiffness classes measured in a standard test. The classes are not exactly the same as the earlier classification scheme (Class SH and Class SEH) but are similar. Classes SN4 and SN6 are suggested for plumbing and domestic use and for general municipal drainage.

Classes SN8 and SN10 are suggested for general municipal drainage and installations where higher pipe stiffness is required to minimize deflection of the installed pipes due to the load imposed by the backfill or surcharge or to poor installation practice.

Stiffness Class SN16 has been included in response to a request from New Zealand users who previously specified Class SEH-C for applications where heavy loads, for example, traffic loads, acted on buried pipes. Australian Standards for sewer and drainage pipes have not included a pipe of similar stiffness in the past and Australian manufacturers may not have DWV pipes of this class generally available.

It should be noted that, by convention, plastics pipe systems are often designed on the basis of 50 years extrapolated test data. This is established international practice but is not intended to imply the service life of drainage pipes is limited to 50 years. For correctly manufactured and installed systems, the actual life cannot be predicted, but can logically be expected to be well in excess of 100 years before major rehabilitation is required.

Appendix C sets out the provisions for best environmental practice PVC for drain, waste and vent applications. These provisions are in accordance with the credit criteria established by the Green Building Council of Australia in their Green Star rating program.

For best environmental practice PVC satisfying the provisions of Appendix C, an attestation of conformity for upstream materials such as chlorine and vinyl chloride, is necessary. Such attestations can take the form of a declaration of conformity prepared and maintained in accordance with AS ISO/IEC 17050, Conformity assessment—Supplier’s declaration of conformity, Part 1: General requirements, and Part 2: Supporting documentation. Part 1 addresses the contents of the declaration of conformity and the procedures necessary to ensure ongoing conformity. Part 2 addresses the documentation required to support a declaration of conformity including the contents, traceability, availability and retention period.

The terms ‘normative’ and ‘informative’ have been used in this Standard to define the application of the appendix to which they apply. A ‘normative’ appendix is an integral part of a Standard, whereas an ‘informative’ appendix is only for information and guidance.

Statements expressed in mandatory terms in notes to tables are deemed to be requirements of this Standard.

Originated in Australia as part of AS K138-1963 and AS A160-1969. Originated in New Zealand in part as NZS 7641:1978, NZS 7642:1971 and NZS 7649:1988. Previous edition AS/NZS 1260:2009. Fifth edition 2017.


This Standard specifies requirements for PVC-U pipes and fittings for sewer, drain, waste and vent applications above ground or below ground and is intended to be used where the pipeline is operating under gravity flow and the operating pressure is low. The Standard includes requirements for both plain and structured wall pipes and fittings.

NOTE: Requirements for the installation and use of pipes manufactured to this Standard are set out in AS/NZS 2032, AS/NZS 2566.1, AS/NZS 2566.2, AS/NZS 3500.2, AS/NZS 3500.5, WSA 02 and WSA 06.

Appendix C sets out additional requirements for pipes and fittings classed as best environmental practice PVC for drain, waste and vent applications.


Section 1: Scope And General
Section 2: General Requirements
Section 3: Performance Requirements
Section 4: Pipes
Section 5: Moulded Fittings
Section 6: Fabricated Fittings
Section 7: Elastomeric Seal Joints
Appendix A: Means For Demonstrating Conformity With This Standard
Appendix B: Typical Range Of Moulded Fittings For DWV Applications
Appendix C: Additional Requirements For Best Environmental Practice PVC Pipes And Fittings


PVC, ABS and Polyamide Pipe Systems.


Association of Accredited Certification Bodies; Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Chemistry Australia; Energy Networks Association; Engineers Australia; Local Government New Zealand; New Zealand Employers and Manufacturers Association (Central); Plastics Industry Pipe Association of Australia; Plastics New Zealand; Water New Zealand; Water Services Association of Australia.

978 1 76035 758 0
Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand 2017.
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AS/NZS 1260:2017 PVC-U pipes and fittings for drain, waste and vent applications 2017 cover