AS/NZS 4505:2012 Garage doors and other large access doors
Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
Supersedes: AS/NZS 4505:1998 Domestic garage doors
Supersedes: AS/NZS 4504.0:1998 Domestic garage doors - Methods of test, Part 0: Introduction and list of methods
Supersedes: AS/NZS 4504.2:1998 Domestic garage doors - Methods of test, Method 2: Wind pressure test
Supersedes: AS/NZS 4504.3:1998 Domestic garage doors - Methods of test, Method 3: Durability cycle test
Draft Designation: DR AS/NZS 4505Amended by: AS/NZS 4505:2012 Amd 1:2015 Garage doors and other large access doors
Reconfirmed by: AS/NZS 4505:2012 Rec:2017 Garage doors and other large access doors
This Standard incorporates Amendment No. 1 (August 2015). The changes required by the Amendment are indicated in the text by a marginal bar and amendment number against the clause, note, table, figure or part thereof affected.
Amendment No. 1 removes the height limitation on general purpose doors. The types of doors that the Standard is intended to cover are defined in Clause 4.5. Some large, purpose-built doors, such as aircraft hangar doors, may differ to those described in Clause 4.5 and may require an alternative design approach.
The objective of this Standard is to provide specifications covering the construction and performance criteria of large access doors including garage doors. It addresses minimum performance requirements for structural loads as well as manufacturing and installation issues.
This Standard now incorporates the test methods that previously comprised the AS/NZS 4504 series.
The Standard specifies information to be provided for designers of buildings on the loads that the doors apply to the buildings.
This Standard is written with reference to the wind classification systems embodied in AS/NZS 1170.2, Structural design actions, Part 2: Wind actions, AS 4055, Wind loads for housing and NZS 3604, Timber framed buildings, and it is bound by the limitations of these Standards, as applicable.
For Class 2 to Class 9 buildings as defined in the NCC, doors are rated according to pressures which enable them to be used with buildings designed using AS/NZS 1170.2.
For Class 1 and Class 10 buildings as defined in the NCC, doors are rated according to wind classifications in AS 4055 and are compatible with buildings designed using either AS 4055 or AS/NZS 1170.2.
In New Zealand, doors are rated according to the wind zones in NZS 3604 and are compatible with buildings designed using NZS 3604 or AS/NZS 1170.2.
The terms ‘normative’ and ‘informative’ have been used in the Standard to define the application of the appendix to which they apply. A ‘normative’ appendix is an integral part of the Standard, whereas an ‘informative’ appendix is only for information and guidance.
This document includes commentary on some of the clauses of the Standard. The commentary directly follows the relevant clause, is designated by ‘C’ preceding the clause number and is printed in italics in a box. The commentary is for information and guidance and does not form part of the Standard.
Reconfirmed: 2017-01-20
Originated in part as AS/NZS 4505:1998 and AS/NZS 4504, Parts 0 to 3 (1998). Jointly revised, amalgamated and designated as AS/NZS 4505:2012. Reissued incorporating Amendment No. 1 (August 2015).
This Standard specifies requirements for the design, construction, and installation of garage doors and other large access doors in external walls of buildings.
This Standard covers domestic doors for openings up to three metres in height and general purpose doors for openings of any height.
This Standard includes provisions to evaluate actions transferred from the doors to the supporting structure or building.
The Standard includes the following:
(a) Door classification.
(b) Ultimate wind pressure rating.
Where a building design includes a requirement for a wind-borne debris impact rating, Appendix B sets out a procedure for wind debris impact rating for doors.
1 For Class 2 to 9 buildings, as defined in the NCC, ultimate wind pressure ratings for doors are compatible with pressures from AS/NZS 1170.2.
2 For Class 1 and Class 10 buildings, as defined in the NCC, ultimate wind pressure ratings for doors can be compatible with either AS 4055 or AS/NZS 1170.2.
1: Scope
2: Application
3: Normative References
4: Definitions
5: Classification And Rating
6: Door Components
7: Testing
8: Marking
Appendix A: Ultimate Wind Pressure Test
Appendix B: Wind-Borne Debris Impact Rating
Appendix C: Door Classification Test
Appendix D: Safety Provisions For Door Mechanisms
Appendix E: Forces On Supporting Structures For Doors With Wind Locks
Appendix F: Commentary On Ultimate Wind Pressure Ratings
Appendix G: Design, Installation And Operation Information
Metal Cladding.
Australian Building Codes Board; Australian Garage Door Association; Australian Steel Institute; BRANZ; Building Officials Institute of New Zealand; Consult Australia; Curtin University of Technology; Cyclone Testing Station; Housing Industry Association; New Zealand Metal Roofing Manufacturers; Queensland University of Technology.