Hazardous manual handling
WorkSafe Victoria
The purpose of this Code is to provide practical guidance to duty holders about how to comply with their duties under the OHS Act and Part 3.1 of the OHS Regulations in relation to managing health and safety risks associated with hazardous manual handling.
This Code provides information for duty holders about meeting their obligations under Part 3.1 of the OHS Regulations as well as providing information about how to identify hazards and control risks associated with hazardous manual handling. This Code also provides information for duty holders about compliance with the OHS Act, where relevant (for example, an employer’s duty to consult with employees).
It is not possible for this Code to deal with every risk associated with hazardous manual handling a duty holder may encounter at their workplace. The guidance in the Code needs to be considered with regard to the particular characteristics and circumstances of the workplace.
This Code applies to employers, employees, designers, manufacturers and suppliers. Additionally, it may be useful for HSRs.
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Hazard Identification
Part 3: Assessing The Risks
Part 4: Risk Control Measures
Part 5: Review And Revision Of Risk Control Measures
Part 6: Designers, Manufacturers And Suppliers
Appendix A: The Compliance Framework
Appendix B: Hazardous Manual Handling Identification Sheet
Appendix C: Discomfort Survey
Appendix D: Risk Assessment And Control Worksheet
Appendix E: Controlling MSD Risk Through Design
Appendix F: Useful Resources For Controlling The Risk Of MSD