Industry guide for formwork: Construction industry South Australia
SafeWork SA
This Industry Guide for Formwork is based on the South Australian Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations 2010. Given that South Australia is likely to adopt the harmonised legislation, it is recommended that readers of this document also become familiar with the requirements of the Work Health and Safety (WHS) legislation once it comes into effect.
SafeWork SA, in collaboration with members of the Construction Industry, has produced this guidance to provide employers, self-employed, and employees with practical advice on preventing injury to anyone engaged in erecting and dismantling formwork and associated equipment.
As part of the SA Construction Industry OHS Committee’s strategy to address areas of high risk, it was agreed that the creation of appropriate industry guidelines for erecting and dismantling formwork and associated equipment was a priority.
It was further agreed that the codes of practice and guidelines, existing in other states (Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria) and operating effectively, could be utilised in the development of a similar resource for South Australia.
1: Introduction
2: Design
3: Coordination And Adminstration
4: Work Systems
5: Special Requirements For Wall And Column Forms
6: Special Requirements For Slip Forms And Jump Forms
7: Falling Objects
8: Health Concerns
AppendIx 1: Definitions
Appendix 2: Training
Appendix 3: Sample Engineer’s Certification Letters
Appendix 4: Construction Checklist
Appendix 5: Sample Structural (Pre-Pour) Certificate
Appendix 6: Defects Commonly Found In Formwork Systems