Labelling of workplace hazardous chemicals
Safe Work Australia
This Code is intended to be read by a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU). It provides practical guidance to PCBUs on how to label hazardous chemicals that are being manufactured or imported for use, handling or storage in Australia.
This Code may be a useful reference for other persons interested in the duties under the WHS Act and WHS Regulations.
This Code applies to a person conducting a business or undertaking involved in the manufacture or import of hazardous chemicals that will be used, or could reasonably be expected to be used, in workplaces covered by the WHS Act.
1: Introduction
2: Labelling Hazardous Chemicals - General Information
3: Special Labelling Situations
4: Labelling Design And Layout
5: Other Labelling Duties
Appendix A: Glossary
Appendix B: Checklist For Preparing A Label
Appendix C: Guide For Selecting Generic Names
Appendix D: Application Of Label Elements
Appendix E: Precedence Rules For Label Elements
Appendix F: Hazard Pictograms
Appendix G: Comparison Of Hazard Pictograms With ADG Class Labels
Appendix H: Example Labels