Moving Plant On Construction Sites
SafeWork NSW
This code of practice is for employers, employees, contractors, subcontractors and other parties involved in construction work with moving plant.
At times construction work may be carried out near moving plant on greenfield construction sites as well as, on or near, public roads and pedestrians. Where construction and maintenance work is carried out on or near public roads, work should be carried out in accordance with the AS 1742 set of Standards – Manual of uniform traffic control devices. These Standards are supported by a set of field guides (HB 81) Field guide for traffic control at works on roads.
Use this code of practice to assess the effectiveness of your present arrangements for dealing with safety issues associated with moving plant, and to check that all sources of risk have been identified and dealt with. If you are setting up a new business, this code of practice can serve as your step-by-step guide to establishing a program to manage the hazards arising from the use of moving plant.
Chapter 1: Establishment
Chapter 2: Consultation And Risk Management
Chapter 3: Managing Risks Associated With Moving Plant On Construction Sites
Chapter 4: Additional Considerations For Achieving Safe Workplaces
Appendix 1: Example Of A Safe Work Method Statement
Appendix 2: Workers Compensation Insurance
Appendix 3: Useful Publications