Risk of Haze in Hardcoat LowE Coatings
Australian Glass Group
Glass can allow Visible Light to pass through to fill your building with natural light. It can also allow high clarity to see your view through the glass without interruption.
By adding more value to regular clear glass, we can enhance performance in certain areas. For example, adding a coating to the glass can excel its Insulation properties (lower U-Value) and Solar Control abilities (lower SHGC), but this can also affect its Visible Light and Clarity characteristics.
Visible Light from the Sun will travel to our glass in our buildings and a % of that light will instantly be reflected away, some of the remaining % will then be absorbed in the glass and the last remaining % will transmit inside. It is within part of the absorbed light that can cause an aesthetic haze.
Hardcoat LowE coated glass (Pyrolytic coated glass) comes with such a risk of Haze due to their unique Indium Tin Oxide metal concoction that is applied via a Chemical Vapour Deposition process (CVD).
The visibility and intensity of this haze will also depend on the environment it is in. Direct strong sunlight will show more haze than non-direct or weak sunlight. You may also see differences in the one pane of glass if half is receiving direct sunlight and half is shaded.
The products in our range that uses Hardcoat LowE coatings are:
•Insulglass Select® - a full range Hardcoat LowE products in an Insulating Glass Unit (IGU)
•AGG Hardcoat LowE Glass Products – a range of single glazed Hardcoat products