Safety In Construction: Your guide to managing safety in housing and construction
WorkSafe Tasmania
This guide is targeted at small residential builders, but will also help larger residential construction businesses with more comprehensive requirements.
It will help you:
• understand your obligations under the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 and the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2022
• develop a Work Health and Safety (WHS) Management Plan to manage your safety obligations
• develop Safe Work Method Statements for high risk construction work.
In this guide:
• the word ‘must’ indicates when a topic is required by law to be in your plan
• the word ‘should’ indicates when it is recommended to be there.
These symbols highlight when something is required by law, and when it is recommended to help you manage safety on your site.
Section 1: Project Management
Section 2: Roles And Responsibilities
Section 3: General WHS Information
Section 4: Risk Management
Section 5: High Risk Construction Work
Section 6: Emergency And Incident Response
Section 7: Induction And Training
Section 8: Consultation And Communication
Section 9: Site Safety Procedures
Section 10: Safe Work Method Statements