Understanding the NCC: Building classifications
Australian Building Codes Board
The National Construction Code (NCC) sets out the minimum technical requirements for new buildings (and new building work in existing buildings) in Australia. In doing so, it groups buildings by their use. These groups are assigned a classification which is then how buildings are referred to throughout the NCC. This information is crucial for all NCC users.
The following is a general representation of the building classifications in the NCC. It is based on a national perspective and does not address any state or territory variations.
State and territory variations and additions to the NCC are located in the NCC.
Building Classifications
Class 1 Buildings
Class 2 Buildings
Class 3 Buildings
Class 4 Part Of A Building
Class 5 Buildings
Class 6 Buildings
Class 7 Buildings
Class 8 Buildings
Class 9 Buildings
Class 10 Buildings Or Structures
Mixed Use Buildings
Multiple Building Classifications