Understanding the NCC: Thermal bridging in residential buildings
Australian Building Codes Board
The NCC Performance Requirements can be met using either a Performance Solution, Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS) Solution, or a combination of both.
The following is a general representation and introduction to the DTS Provisions for thermal bridging in residential buildings.
It covers the DTS Provisions for thermal bridging in Class 1 buildings (houses), the sole-occupancy units (SOUs) of Class 2 buildings (apartments) and common areas of Class 2 buildings (apartment buildings). The information presented provides a national overview of the NCC and does not contain any state or territory variations.
This information is useful for architects, building designers, façade engineers, builders, and environmentally sustainable design (ESD) consultants.
What Is Thermal Bridging?
What Are The Impacts Of Thermal Bridging?
Thermal Bridging And The NCC
Fixing Thermal Bridges