Work Health and Safety Regulations 2022 (TAS)
Tasmanian Government
TAS legislation.
These regulations may be cited as the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2022.
Chapter 1: Preliminary
Chapter 2: Representation And Participation
Chapter 3: General Risk And Workplace Management
Chapter 4: Hazardous Work
Chapter 5: Plant And Structures
Chapter 6: Construction Work
Chapter 7: Hazardous Chemicals
Chapter 8: Asbestos
Chapter 9: Major Hazard Facilities
Chapter 10: Reserved
Chapter 11: General
Schedule 1: Reserved
Schedule 2: Fees
Schedule 3: High Risk Work Licences And Classes Of High Risk Work
Schedule 4: High Risk Work Licences: Competency Requirements
Schedule 5: Registration Of Plant And Plant Designs
Schedule 6: Classification Of Mixtures
Schedule 7: Safety Data Sheets
Schedule 8: Disclosure Of Ingredients In Safety Data Sheet
Schedule 9: Classification, Packaging And Labelling Requirements
Schedule 10: Prohibited Carcinogens, Restricted Carcinogens And Restricted Hazardous Chemicals
Schedule 11: Placard And Manifest Quantities
Schedule 12: Manifest Requirements
Schedule 13: Placard Requirements
Schedule 14: Requirements For Health Monitoring
Schedule 15: Hazardous Chemicals At Major Hazard Facilities (And Their Threshold Quantity)
Schedule 16: Matters To Be Included In Emergency Plan For Major Hazard Facility
Schedule 17: Additional Matters To Be Included In Safety Management System Of Major Hazard Facility
Schedule 18: Additional Matters To Be Included In Safety Case For A Major Hazard Facility
Schedule 18a: Infringement Notice Offences