September 2023 Library Update
September 2023 Library Update
The myBIG library is constantly growing with new content.
From Australian Standards to legislation, codes of practice to technical specifications, and everything in between, myBIG holds the most current Building and Construction industry resources.
These are the documents recently added, or updated, in myBIG September 2023.
Compliance Codes
An approved compliance code provides practical guidance on how to achieve the standards of work health and safety required under the WHS Act and the Work Health and Safety Regulation (the WHS Regulation) and effective ways to identify and manage risks.
Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (VIC)
The main purposes of this Act are: (a) to create a legislative framework to give effect to the objects of this Act; and (b) to repeal the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1985; and (c) to provide for matters of a transitional nature and make consequential amendments. (VIC legislation.)
Workers Compensation Act 1958 (VIC)
An Act to consolidate the Law relating to Compensation to Workers for Injuries arising out of or in the Course of their Employment. (VIC legislation.)
Equipment (Public Safety) Act 1994 (VIC)
The main purpose of this Act is to provide for public safety in relation to prescribed equipment and equipment sites. (VIC legislation.)
Dangerous Goods Act 1985 (VIC)
This Act may be cited as the Dangerous Goods Act 1985. (VIC legislation.)
Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 (VIC)
The objectives of these Regulations are to further the objects of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 and to further the objects of the Dangerous Goods Act 1985. (VIC legislation.)
Magistrate’s Court (Occupational Health and Safety) Rules 2015 (VIC)
The object of these Rules is to provide forms of application to the Court under sections 83 and 85 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004. (VIC legislation.)
Dangerous Goods (HCDG) Regulations 2016 (VIC)
These Regulations come into operation on 31 July 2016.
Explains Queensland smoke alarm legislation changes as of 2017 and 2027.
Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Regulations 1995 (FEDERAL)
These regulations are the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Regulations 1995. (FEDERAL legislation.)
NATSPEC worksections cover a wide range of chillers including those with centrifugal, screw or scroll compressors, air or water cooling and heat recovery. Absorption chillers are also included; the chiller worksections also include options for specifying requirements such as IPLV and NPLV; this TECHnote aims to help specifiers to complete the included schedules.
DES 047 Specifying Air Filters
Discusses options for specifying particulate air filters for air conditioning and ventilation.
GEN 033 Understanding Two-Part Specifications
NATSPEC produces a range of specification worksection templates which include technical and quality requirements for most building types.
Industry resources
COAG Energy Council Hydrogen Working Group
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