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Regulatory Impact Statement  2022 cover

NSW Department of Customer Service

Version:  2023.  (Current)
Short Description
The Building Bill 2022 (the Bill) is part of the next stage of Construct NSW and is intended to ensure best practice regulation of all building work, complementing and supporting the broader building framework.
AS 1530.2-1993 Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures, Part 2: Test for flammability of materials 1993 cover

Standards Australia

Version:  Second Edition 1993.  (Current)
Short Description
Specifies the apparatus and test method for determining the flammability index of a material. Main changes in this edition of the Standard are the inclusion of a statistical evaluation of the test results, a change to the speed factor formula so that the flammability indices form a continuous range and a more detailed form of test report.
AS/NZS 4505:2012 Garage doors and other large access doors 2012 cover

Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand

Version:  First Edition 2013.  (Current)
Short Description
Specifies requirements for the design, construction, and installation of garage doors and other large access doors in external walls of buildings.
AS 1735.11-1986 SAA Lift Code, Part 11: Fire-rated landing doors 1986 cover

Standards Australia

Version:  Third Edition 1986.  (Current)
Short Description
Sets out requirements for fire-rated landing doors for retarding the passage of fire through openings in fire-rated liftwells; it applies where doors are required to have a fire-rating certificate.
AS 1905.1:2015 Components for the protection of openings in fire-resistant walls, Part 1: Fire-resistant doorsets 2015 cover

Standards Australia

Version:  Sixth Edition 2015.  (Current)
Short Description
Sets out requirements for the construction and installation of fire-resistant doorsets that are used to protect openings in walls, and for partitions that are required to resist the passage of fire.
AS 4055:2021 Amd 1:2024 Wind loads for housing 2024 cover

Standards Australia

Version:  First Edition 2024.  (Current)
Short Description
AS 4055:2021 is amended as follows. The amendments should be inserted in the locations as instructed.
AS 4055:2021 Wind loads for housing 2021 cover

Standards Australia

Version:  Fourth Edition 2021.  (Current)
Short Description
Specifies site wind speed classes for determining design wind speeds and wind loads for NCC Class 1 and 10 buildings within the geometric limits given in Clause 1.2; the classes are for use in the design of housing and for design, manufacturing and specifying of building products and systems used for housing.
AS 1530.8.1:2018 Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures, Part 8.1: Tests on elements of construction for buildings exposed to simulated bushfire attack - Radiant heat and small flaming sources 2018 cover

Standards Australia

Version:  Second Edition 2018.  (Current)
Short Description
Provides methods for determining the performance of external construction elements when exposed to radiant heat, burning embers and burning debris.
AS 2312.1:2014 Guide to the protection of structural steel against atmospheric corrosion by the use of protective coatings, Part 1: Paint coatings 2014 cover

Standards Australia

Version:  First Edition 2014.  (Current)
Short Description
Provides guidelines for the selection and specification of paint coating systems for the protection of structural steel work against atmospheric corrosion.
AS 1530.8.1:2018 Amd 1:2024 Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures, Part 8.1: Tests on elements of construction for buildings exposed to simulated bushfire attack - Radiant heat and small flaming sources 2024 cover

Standards Australia

Version:  First Edition 2024.  (Current)
Short Description
The 2018 edition of AS 1530.8.1 is amended as follows; the amendments should be inserted in the appropriate places.